Thursday, May 21, 2020

Looking for the Drive of A Serial Killer Essay - 2886 Words

Shaice Coulter G. Butler English 101 Research Paper 12/3/13 Mind of a Maniac: Looking for the Drive of a Serial Killer The minds and the inner workings of a serial killer have been analyzed, investigated, and pondered upon for many years. â€Å"Questions such as what makes his or her mind tick? Does he or she target one fitting victim? What are his or her motives?† are some of the most common that spring to mind. We all hold the power of being aggressive, of encompassing unthinkable and destructive thoughts of â€Å"torture, sadism and murder†, but we do not all become serial murderers (Knight, 21). This deviant behavior is often feared because it displays a small but troubled percentage of people who immerse in the torture and death of other†¦show more content†¦The past violence that the subject and his brother suffered through is a large factor in their need for violent satisfaction. The lack of emotional support and adoration can connect with the subject’s sexual gratification that he achieves through killing. Relentless abuse ongoing throughout childhood backed by n eglect in school (often connatural with social mistreatment) can â€Å"create a violent, deviant personality† (Pakhomou, 220). Children are greatly impact with what surrounds them. The negativity and violence that are exposed to them will form lasting flashbulb memories that can shape not only their actions in the future but how they understand and perceive life. Violence plays a big part in developing the characteristics of a serial killer, but there are also other components that can lead to a distraught and homicidal person. In a research composed by James Beasley, he presents several different factors of development into becoming a serial killer through the case studies of seven offenders. Offender number three had multiple challenges that led him to become as aggressive and hostile as he was. As a child, his mother was completely absent and was an alcoholic. His stepfather, who physically and verbally abused him, lacked the comfort and attention any child would need. Af ter learning that he would repeat the third grade, his behavior became hostile and he showed a lack of self-esteem. At the age of seven, the subject already began to showShow MoreRelatedThe Case And The Johnson Case903 Words   |  4 Pagesoffender a serial killer because he has killed 3 people and it has been over a period over 30 days. By looking at different serial killer typologies my firm belief is that this offender will fall into the lust serial killer typology. I concluded this by firstly looking if the crimes were act-focused kills or process kills, I concluded it was process kills because the offender had taken the time to abduct both Parkinson and Johnson and didn t just kill them right away like an act-focused killer wouldRead MoreWhat Drives A Person Insane? 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