Friday, February 14, 2020

Know What Youre Watching Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Know What Youre Watching - Article Example Why has media piracy increased in recent years? Karajanis argues that the high growth witnessed in media piracy when traced from the 1990s has been attributed to lack of copyright laws world over and where they exist there has been reluctance on the part of law enforcement agencies to implement the full spirit of the law. In effect, piracy has contributed to the disruption of market equilibrium thus providing loopholes for innovations in emerging economies that outdo the technologies which are again correspondingly cheaper when compared to the original creations. At the same, several factors including pricing strategies used by multinationals, trade agreements, and diffusion of technology bear a significant relevance as factors that continue to contribute to the rising effects of piracy. Understanding the meaning of Piracy There seems to be a universal agreement that â€Å"Piracy† does not have a stable and legal definition, and in most circumstances, it is understood as a product of legal enforcement rather than its true implication. On one hand, the IFPI contends that the term implies an omnipresent practice of copying that falls outside the provisions of copyright law â€Å"up to 95% of it if industry estimates of online music piracy are taken as an indicator†. However, in its simplest definition, piracy is understood as the illegal copying and distribution of any media in print, DVDs, videos or electronic files.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Libyan Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Libyan Revolution - Essay Example Through the end of the paper, the reasons of the tyrant leader behind the desire to stay in power are tackled and the implications the regime has brought to Libya and the possible dreadful effects if the current tyrant leader will remain. Qaddafi’s Failure Libya’s leader for more than four decades, Muammar Qaddafi, has failed to protect its people. Under the emergent international law, it is the duty of a nation’s leader to protect its people at all costs. As a leader, it is a responsibility to serve the country and the people in it without self-vested interests. Unfortunately, Qaddafi failed in all these. ( Before entering Benghazi, Qaddafi vowed that he will show no mercy to those people who express negative thoughts about the tyrant regime. Reports show a number of unmerciful executions, indiscriminate shootings and rap es. He called the military action to put an end to these revolts. The actions of this regime are unbecoming for Surname 3 someone who is supposed to protect its people. A huge picture of injustice is vividly present in the soil of Libya. As a result, a massive uprising has started. He ignited the fire that’s burning in the hearts of his people to unite themselves and hold such upheaval against his tyranny. The world has witnessed tremendous change in the minds of a Muslim world. The rejection of Al-Qaeda’s preaching and the act of embracing the ideals of freedom that republic countries highly cherish are visible now in the actions of the Libyan citizens. Corruption in Libya is also widespread. According to the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index in 2009, Libya ranked a130th of 180 countries. (United Nations, 2010) The Qaddafi government’s integrity has been undermined by favouritism that is based on connections – family and personal. The Qaddafi clan is exercising a near-full control of the major government decisions. See table below Surname 4 The wealth that the Qaddafi clan has accumulated through the assistance of international corporations in the years of the leader’s regime helped ensure his control of Libya. The tens of billions of dollars is said to be the source of payment to his soldiers, mercenaries and allies that help him to stay in power or at least delay his removal form his position. (Unknown, 2011, p 65) This clearly shows how corrupt the Qaddafi government is and one the many grounds for his removal. The Qaddafi government has exploited not only the business sector that is willing to do business with him but also the willing governments. Banks in Libya have gathered profitable fees by helping Iran launder massive sums of wealth in violation of the international sanction sin Tehran. Staying in Power Shutting down communications, refusal of foreign press and killing protesters are some of the ways of the dictator, Qaddafi, in order to sustain power over Libya. Just like any other dictator, Qaddafi would like to stay in power. Hundreds of supporters have offered themselves to be his human shield in case of bombings inside the Qaddafi compound. Supporters say that they are one with the leader and if someone tries to shoot