Thursday, October 31, 2019

Knowledge and asset management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Knowledge and asset management - Essay Example Finally, the report gives how the report can be of help to other companies. (Han 2003) Change is inevitable in any organization. How an organization treats its stake holders, will define its success or failure in implementing any change. An organization needs to define who a stakeholder is and influence the stakeholder has in order to handle them and to have their support in the implementation process. It is worth to note that no stakeholder should be ignored. This is a case study of Seven Seas Technology (Drucker 1974). Seven Seas Technology is an international company dealing with ICT. The company operates globally with most interest in Africa market as the market for technology is high. The company deals with technology solutions for large companies and government agencies. In the recent past, the company has won in tenders with multinationals and governments in Africa. Currently the company is in a contract with the Zambian government to install a sea cable in the country. The company was also in a multi billion contract with the Nigerian government where it was involved in networking government ministries and other government agencies. The company also secured a contract with Vodafone where it developed a system to provide computing services to its customers in the entire world. So what is the real secret behind this accomplishment story? Seven Seas were previously referred to as Dataset Technology where it had a narrow scope of business. The company only focused on East African market. The company wanted to have a wider scope to tap the adaptation of technology in the whole of Africa. The company’s top management then thought it was good to rebrand the company and increase their capital in order for the company to operate in whole of Africa. Seven seas had to identify its stakeholders and develop new ways to make sure they

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

F and B Service Essay Example for Free

F and B Service Essay |Current Competencies of the Trainee|Proof of Evidence |Required Competencies/Learning Outcome |Training Gaps* |Required Modules for Training |Duration ( | |as a Food and Beverage Server | | | | |Hrs.) | |TC |EC |AA |NC |OTS | | | | | |Knows how to deliver food and beverage to guests. | | | | | |Provide A Link to Kitchen and Service Areas †¢ Liaise between kitchen and service areas. †¢ Clean and clear food service areas. |Provide A Link to Kitchen and Service Areas †¢ Liaise between kitchen and service areas. †¢ Clean and clear food service areas. |Provide A Link to Kitchen and Service Areas †¢ Liaising between kitchen and service areas. †¢ Cleaning and clearing food service areas. |40 | | | | | | | |Provide Food and Beverage Service †¢ Prepare dining/restaurant area for service. †¢ Prepare and set tables. †¢ Welcome customers. †¢ Take and process orders. †¢ Serve and clear food and drinks. †¢ Close down restaurant/dining area. |Provide Food and Beverage Service †¢ Prepare dining/restaurant area for service. †¢ Prepare and set tables. †¢ Welcome customers. †¢ Take and process orders. †¢ Serve and clear food and drinks. †¢ Close down restaurant/dining area. |Provide Food and Beverage Service †¢ Preparing dining/restaurant area for service. †¢ Preparing and setting tables. †¢ Welcoming customers. †¢ Taking and processing orders. †¢ Serving and clearing food and drinks. †¢ Closing down restaurant/dining area. |160 | | | | | | | |Provide Room Service †¢ Take and process room service orders. †¢ Set-up trays and trolleys. †¢ Present room service meals and beverages to guests. †¢ Present room service accounts. †¢ Clear room service areas. |Provide Room Service †¢ Take and process room service orders. †¢ Set-up trays and trolleys. †¢ Present room service meals and beverages to guests. †¢ Present room service accounts. †¢ Clear room service areas. |Provide Room Service †¢ Taking and processing room service orders. †¢ Setting-up trays and trolleys. †¢ Presenting room service meals and beverages to guests. †¢ Presenting room service accounts. †¢ Clear room service areas. |90 | | | | | | | |Develop and Update Food and Beverage Knowledge †¢ Research general information on food and beverage cocktails . †¢ Share information with customers. |Develop and Update Food and Beverage Knowledge †¢ Research general information on food and beverage cocktails . †¢ Share information with customers. |Develop and Update Food and Beverage Knowledge †¢ Researching general information on food and beverage cocktails . †¢ Sharing information with customers. |10 | |LEGEND: TC: Training Certificate EC: Employer’s Certificate, AA: Attestation by an Association, NC: National Certificate, OTS: Others *Indicate a check mark against the required competencies column to include the training gap of the participants.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Global Warming Causes And Effects Analysis Environmental Sciences Essay

Global Warming Causes And Effects Analysis Environmental Sciences Essay Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earths surface air and oceans from the mid-20th century, and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gases in atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120-fold in the past 140 years. While in the 19th century, emissions were mostly from deforestation and the other land use changes, now they are predominantly from burning fossil fuels. As CO2 in the atmosphere has the lifetime of more than a century, the historic emissions play most important role as compared to the current concentrations in atmosphere. Increase in Global Temperature. Most of the increase in global temperatures since the mid-twentieth century are very likely due to the increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases via enhanced greenhouse effect. The natural phenomena such as the solar variation combined with the volcanoes had a small warming effect since pre-industrial times to 1950 and small cooling effect from 1950 onwards. The Climate model projections summarized by IPCC indicate that the average global surface temperature would likely rise a further 1.2 to 6.4  Ã‚ °C (2.0 to 11.6  Ã‚ °F) during the twenty-first century. Role of Industrialisation. In the past 200 years, Europe, North America, and former Soviet Union, currently having only 20 percent of worlds population, have contributed in more than 85 percent of CO2 emissions. Direct product of industrialisation, emissions now is 7 billion tons of the carbon a year, or around one ton of carbon per head of worlds population. Emissions are very uneven. The per-capita North American emissions are 17 times those of Africa, ten times those of Asia and 2.4 times those of Europe. The Low gasoline prices and pervasive automobile culture in United States ensure that CO2 output, already highest in the world, is rising, while levels in Europe are stable or falling. Disparity in Emissions. Everyone is indeed responsible in some way or another but the largest contributors are developed nations. Today, developed countries like the United States, Germany, Japan and many others with only 26 percent of the Globes population, are responsible for more than 70 percent of accumulated green house gas pollution in atmosphere. If we take a global average, then each person on planet is responsible for emission of approx 6000 kg of GHG emissions every year. In the developed countries, it is 14,000 kg per person. USA tops the list with 24,000 kg per person, and at bottom of the list comes Chad with 30 kg per person. Causes Climatic Equilibrium. Earths climate changes in response, to external forcing, include variations in its orbit around the Sun, changes in the solar luminosity, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and volcanic eruptions. Detailed causes of the warming remain active field of research, although the scientific consensus is that increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases by human activity caused most of warming observed since start of industrial era. None of these effects of forcing are instantaneous. The thermal inertia of the Earths oceans and very slow responses of the other indirect effects mean that Earths current climate is surely not in equilibrium with forcing imposed. The Climate commitment studies indicate that even if the greenhouse gases were stabilized on 2000 levels, a further warming of approximately 0.5  Ã‚ °C (0.9  Ã‚ °F) will still occur. Natural. The natural causes that contribute to global warming are as follows:- Change in suns energy output. Volcanoes. Water vapour. Cloud cover. However these natural causes have been regularly countered by the natural process of degeneration and Earths temperature has been varying within a fixed margin for last hundreds of years. Human Activity. From old times people suspected that the human activity could change climate. For example, in 19th century many Americans did believe that cutting down forests would bring more rainfall to a region. Amongst the mainstream scientific community, there is no doubt that Earth is warming, and increasing evidence shows that the humans have a significant part in it. Greenhouse Phenomenon The major reason of global warming is the emission of the green house gases like methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide etc into atmosphere. The gases in atmosphere like carbon dioxide, water vapour, tropospheric ozone, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane and nitrous oxide trap energy from sun. Without these gases, heat will escape back into the space and Earths average temperature will be about 60 °F colder. So absorbing and reflecting infrared waves being radiated by Earth, the gases conserve heat as glass in a greenhouse works and are thus called as greenhouse gases. Source of Gases. Methane is a much more effective greenhouse gas than CO2, but the concentration is much smaller, and total radiative forcing is only about one fourth of that from the carbon dioxide. Some other naturally occurring gases contribute small fractions of the greenhouse effect; one of these, nitrous oxide (N2O), is increasing in concentration owing to human activity such as agriculture. Carbon Dioxide. It is the major source of power plants. These power plants emit large quantity of carbon dioxide produced by burning the fossil fuels for generation of electricity. About twenty one percent of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere comes from burning of gasoline in the engines of the vehicles. Methane. Methane is more than 20 times as effectual as CO2 at entrapping heat in the atmosphere. Methane is obtained from resources such as bovine flatulence ,rice paddies, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel manufacture. When fields are flooded, anaerobic situation build up and the organic matter in the soil decays, releasing methane to the atmosphere. Nitrous Oxide. Main sources of nitrous oxide are nylon and nitric acid, the cars with catalytic converters, use of fertilizers in agriculture and burning organic matter. Effect. The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals. Present atmospheric concentration of CO2 is about 390 parts per million (ppm) in volume. Future levels are expected to increase due to ongoing burning of the fossil fuels and land-use change. The rate of increase will depend on uncertain sociological, economic, natural , and technological developments, but may be ultimately limited by the availability of fossil fuels. Deforestation. Another cause of global warming is deforestation that is caused by cutting and burning of forests for the purpose of residence and industrialization. Solar Variation. A varying hypothesis is that the variations in solar output, possibly being amplified by cloud seeding by galactic cosmic rays, would have contributed to recent warming. It is suggested that magnetic activity of the sun is a very crucial factor which deflects the cosmic rays that influencing the generation of cloud condensation nuclei and therefore affect the climate. Effects Of Global Warming The effects of global warming are very large in number and still there are so many that are still to be found out. But recently the problems have become visible and evident because of happening of events that were before only talked off. Although it may be difficult to connect weather events to global warming, a rise in global temperatures may therefore cause following major changes:- Glacial Retreat and Arctic Shrinkage. As an effect of global warming the glaciers are retreating at an alarming rate and changing the entire environment of the mountains. This will bring about the most intense climatic changes and alteration in the habitat. There will be a considerable increase in the water level of oceans and seas as a result of melting of glaciers. Rise in Sea Level. Worldwide sea level rise of 180 to 590 millimetres (0.59 to 1.9  ft) in 2090-2100 relative to 1980-1999. This increase in level of seas and oceans will engulf land at the coastal areas and some low lying countries may even become submerged. Extreme Weather Conditions. Changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation may result in flooding and drought. Floods in the areas without the flood history, is not very common. There are droughts in various places, having good rainfall earlier. Atmosphere gets suddenly very rough in the terms of thunderstorms and cyclones. In the future there are rapid temperature changes expected to occur which will affect length of the seasons. Winters will be quite short. This will indeed imbalance the ecosystem and will therefore effect greatly the attitudinal behavior of the the animals and birds. Vegetation. Another major effect of global warming would be on the vegetation that is present on the earth surface. Tundra type of vegetation would turn to temperate, and evergreen type of forest. Woody plant population may tend to increase, as a result of rise in precipitation. There would be a dramatic change in all the type of vegetations available in the areas, which will in turn impact the inhabitation of area. Wild Life. Various species are on the verge of extinction due to global warming. Major changes are often seen in the animals as they do react to the warmer environment, which are effected due to global warming. A behavior pattern of these animals when studied shows that animals are beginning to shift their major population towards north, or towards a higher altitudes. (f) Marine Life. The marine life is undoutedly very sensitive to the rise in temperatures. The effect of global warming will surely be seen on many species in the water. As a result many species will die off, or go extinct due to the rise in the temperatures of water, whereas many other species, which prefer the warmer waters, will be on increase tremendously. Perhaps the most annoying changes are expected in coral reefs that are expected to now die off as an effect of the global warming. Due to the melting of polar ice the life cycle is getting disturbed and this leads to death of many an animal. Increase in Diseases. Lately, as an effect of the global warming various new diseases have emerged. These diseases are occurring frequently due to the increase in earths average temperature since the bacteria can survive easily in elevated temperatures and multiply faster when the conditions become favorable. Due to global warming, the distribution of mosquitoes is being extended owing to the increase in humidity levels and so their frequent growth in the warmer atmosphere. Various diseases are expected due to Ebola, Hanta and Machupo virus owing to warmer climates. The global warming is sure to cause irreversible changes in ecosystem and the behaviour of animals. Other Effects. These include changes in the agricultural yields, reduced summer stream flows and, addition of new trade routes, possible slowing of thermohaline circulation, resultant reductions in the ozone layer and the lowering of ocean pH. (j) Extinction of Plants and Animals. According to an international study a quarter of land animals and plants may become extinct if global warming continues unchecked. The study reveals that as the earth hots up, all species may not be able to physically migrate to new locations. This will lead to smaller habitats for far fewer species. Rare and endangered species will generally move closer to extinction. (k) Damage to the Natural Environment. Glaciers, coral reefs and atolls, mangrove swamp, tropical forests, polar and alpine grasslands are likely to undergo significant damage. (l) Shortage of Water. Water shortage, which affects approximately 1.7 billion people today, will affect 5.4 billion people in 25 years, according to a study. (m) Effect on Food Supplies. Food supplies are likely to be affected with grain yields falling across Africa and deserts spreading. Yields are likely to fall in Asia too and subsistence farming in Latin America will be damaged. (n) Loss of Human Life. According to the study more than 160,000 people die globally ever year due to the side effects of climate change. Heat waves are likely to kill more people, particularly among the elderly and urban population. (o) Floods and Droughts. As global warming increases the frequency of rapid precipitation, protracted droughts and floods will increase. There will be heavier rainfall across northern Europe- increasing the risk of floods- and lower rainfall over northern Africa and Australia. (p) Disrupted Energy Demand Patterns. Global warming would result in hotter and drier summers, decrease in the soil moisture, coastal erosion, lower the snowfall, ,increased flooding, and disrupted energy demand patterns . 13. Effects on India. The assessed India specific effects are as under :- (a) Decreased snow cover, affecting snow-fed and glacial systems such as the Ganges and Bramhaputra. 70% of the summer flow of the Ganges comes from meltwater Erratic monsoon with serious effects on rain-fed agriculture, peninsular rivers, water and power supply. Drop in wheat production by 4-5 million tones, with even a 1 °C rise in temperature, (d) Increased frequency and intensity of floods. Increased vulnerability of people in coastal, arid and semi-arid zones of the country (e) Studies indicate that over 50% of Indias forests are likely to experience shift in forest types, adversely impacting associated biodiversity, regional climate dynamics as well as livelihoods based on forest products. (f) According to Head of the IPCC, Dr. R.K. Pachauri, the climate change could adversely affect India. By 2100, higher sea-level on the eastern coast could lead to the disappearance of Sunderbans. (g) In India, the region most vulnerable to accelerated sea level rise is the low-lying coral atolls of the Lakshadweep archipelago. (h) Experts feel that the Indian coast is more vulnerable to storm surge than the West coast. Nearly one-third of the human population living within 60 kilometers of the coast could be lost due to the rise in sea level. (j) Glaciers are receding at a faster rate in India. Researchers have found that the Gangotri glacier which feeds the Ganges is retreating at a faster rate than before. The melting of Himalayan glaciers would adversely impact 500 million people residing on the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins. As glaciers are frozen reservoirs of water, their melting would lead to a decrease in water, affecting drinking water supply, irrigation and hydropower. (k) There would be precipitation changes all over India, weather would be more erratic and post monsoon rainfall would become uncertain, according to Dr. Pachauri. (l) According to Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, the ecological and economic damage arising out of global warming would have an adverse impact on agriculture, which was the mainstay of the country. The erratic weather could cause damage to crop patterns leading to an adverse impact on food security. (m) The IPCC report has estimated that India could bear a huge loss of bio-diversity because of greater greenhouse emissions.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ferry Ride :: essays research papers

The passengers on the ferry had nowhere to sit and almost nowhere to stand. Only the ship’s officers ad a little space and this was on the bridge, which, along with the wheelhouse, was situated on a wooden platform erected over the engine-room. Here the captain of the vessel was in command. The bridge and wheelhouse were separated from the rest of the platform by a little wooden gate, secured only with a string catch.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 The captain was distinguished from his fellow officers by his hat, a black felt trilby punched out into a dome and secured to his head by a silk ribbon beneath the chin. He showed no interest in the proceedings around him. No nautical preparation could hold his attention; instead, he sat at the back of the bridge, sucking on a pipe and deciding who should be allowed to pass through the gate. The competition for his honour, personally bestowed, was all the greater because of the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10 discomforts of standing anywhere else in the boat, by few who applied were chosen. Just before departure a man limped down the quay, leaning on another. The limping man was dressed in blue overalls which were stained with blood that had seeped from a heavily bandaged wound on his head. His face was grey, and he could hardly stand. The captain beckoned him to join the party on the bridge, and he stumbled up the steps and into a corner, where he fell in a heap and bled   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15 quietly for the duration of the crossing. The ferry tooted its steam horn, the bow-gate was ordered to be raised, and under the direction of a man in an orange vest, the first officer, the voyage began. A few years ago one of the ferried met a large wave in mid-stream and overturned. There were no survivors; by the time anyone on either bank noticed that the ferry was overdue, all trace of it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   had disappeared. On this present occasion the ferry chugged away from the quay with its bow-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20 gate still low enough for water to flow over it past the car deck and back to the engine-room. The captain remained unconcerned and continued to suck his pope and gaze ahead while the bow-gate was adjusted and the surplus water slowly drained away. Not long afterwards, the chief engineer, in fact the only engineer, abandoned his post and came   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to the bridge to dry out.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay

Two Itinerant migrant workers, George Milton and Lennie Smalls, are best friends, they have a unique relationship, almost one of father and son opposed to two adults, George looks after and cares for Lennie due to his limited metal abilities, which is often getting them into trouble, hence the reason they were chased out of town from their previous employment, They find work in a ranch in Northern California where they hope to save enough money to settle down and own a piece of land to attain the ‘American Dream’, which suggests that America is the land of prosperity and opportunity but as easy as dreams are made these dreams can also be easily shattered. At the ranch the atmosphere appears to be dangerous, when they are confronted with the bosses’ son Curley whom takes an instant disliking to Lennie, as he feels inferior to larger men, Curley’s Wife also opposes a problem, as she is very flirtatious. As they begin to settle in the ranch, their dream begin to take shape, when two other ranch hands are enticed and would like to be a part of it, the pair are overwhelmed that their dream is slowly turning into a reality. But the story turns when Lennie is left alone, and his love to stroke things ends up with him killing Curley’s Wife, the story then takes an emotional twist, when George is then faced with the dilemma to take his friends life, to save him from the lynch mob sent by Curley. Setting In the opening of the book during the first two pages it describes the tranquil peaceful surrounding of Northern California, â€Å"hillside bank runs deep and green† (pg18) this portrays the beautiful surrounding which is the disturbed by the arrival of two characters. The writer, John Steinbeck shows this by â€Å"rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover† (pg19) suggests the arrival of these two characters has disturbed the tranquil setting; this gives the reader the message that these characters bring trouble. At the end of the book, when both characters George and Lennie are sitting by the river bank, Steinbeck gives the reader the sense of panic by the quotations he uses, as Curley’s mob draw nearer, the writer first describes the atmosphere as â€Å"Shadow in the valley, blue and soft†(pg 144), this suggests that there is a calm before the storm. As more time passes the atmosphere around these two characters gets intense, â€Å"evening breeze blew over the clearing†, (pg 145), the atmosphere is changing around them, Steinbeck is creating a build up, causing a suspense that something is going to happen. When George shoots Lennie the atmosphere then is described as â€Å"the brush seemed filled with cries†, (pg 148) which symbolizes the loss of George, As this is such a great loss for him, losing his best friend, shows the love of their friendship was so strong that George could not let Lennie, die at the hands of Curley’s mob, You get the feel of their friendship, when both men are having a conversation about the dream, before Lennie is shot, â€Å"For the rabbit George†,(pg146), this suggests that George put Lennie is a false sense of security, so that he was in a happy place before he died, this shows how strong their friendship is. Characters George and Lennie George and Lennie are the two main characters, George is described as a small intelligent but uneducated man, George is ambitious who has big dreams in life. Lennie is a large man of statue with great strength and a big heart but his limited mental abilities, means he relies on George for his survival, he is a calm character and like a child he likes to hear stories from George, he doesn’t understand the consequences of his strength, resulting with him often getting the pair in serious trouble. George and Lennie have a unique relationship, you get a contrast of the love hate relationship between the two, There are quotes in the book where George suggests that he could get along better without Lennie, â€Å"I could get along easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail†(pg24), this suggests that George feels that Lennie holds him back in life, but then in another quote when George is speaking to another character, he becomes defensive this shows that he cares about what people think of Lennie †what’s funny about it† and â€Å"He ain’t no cuckoo†(pg67) , this shows the contrast that on the one hand George believes Lennie slows him down in life, but then he feels that he has to care and protect Lennie. Narrative There is the use of slang and non Standard English throughout the book, the dialect used, is that of the slang used by an Itinerant workers at that time, this is effective because it helps to add to the realism of the story and creates a strong impact upon the readers. In book the narrative changes from third person to first person requently this is effective because you get both views and makes the story seem more believable and for the reader to sympathize with the characters. The use of figurative language in ‘Of Mice and Men’ creates the atmosphere of reality. In the beginning of the book the Narrative is in third person style, Lennie is described as â€Å"Sloping shoulders†(pg19) And George is described as â€Å"Strong features†,(pg19) this is effective because, it makes the reader visualize what these characters look like, instead of having a bias view from a first person account. The first person accounts are effective because, In a first person account you can believe the passion of that person for example† He’s dumb as hell†, (pg 65) this is more genuine as it makes the reader believe what the characters views are.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The World Is Too Much With Us And The Chimney Sweeper (compare And Contrast)

worth gives a magnificent of imagery t... Free Essays on The World Is Too Much With Us And The Chimney Sweeper (compare And Contrast) Free Essays on The World Is Too Much With Us And The Chimney Sweeper (compare And Contrast) Poems are a particular way an author shows to the reader of what he feels and thinks about the actions of the world. In the poems â€Å"The World is Too Much With us† and â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper† both poets make the reader feel piety and disgust of human Nature. They both tell how society uses too much materialism, and how there is wasteful selfishness and prostitution. This form of writing was common during this time period in the industrial revolution. A lot of people were fed up with the waste and poverty and it seemed the only way to get the point across was with a pen and paper. The first time a poem is read the reader must go beyond the author’s words and look at the deeper meaning, this shows what the author is trying to prove. In William Blake’s poem, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†, he goes into a deeper description of the industrial revolution and the effect it had in the people in that time period. When looking closer the reader is able to tell the disguised meaning behind the words written. For example, in line 3 the poem states, â€Å"Could scarcely cry weep weep weep weep†. The meaning behind the words of the author proves how young this little boy actually was, and brings pity to the reader. Next the author takes the reader to a sweet dream the boy has and shows the reader of the false hope that carries keeps this boys spirit alive from day to day. This child is so ignorant to what is actually happening in his life he became unable to create a future for himself. In William Wordsworth’s poem, â€Å"The World is Too Much With Us† he shows the elegant way of how the societies system of work isn’t functioning properly. It is a warning to the industrial revolution and the future generations. Wordsworth was trying to point out that society is losing sight of what are important in this world. He tells how materialism and greed have overcome the human mind and spirit. In line 6 Wordsworth gives a magnificent of imagery t...